Statement about the StiWa safety test of the Pebble 360 Pro 

At Maxi-Cosi, child safety comes first. It is the core of our being. Therefore, we would like to inform you of the following. Recently, we have learned from the German consumer institute Stiftung Warentest (StiWa) that it has found a low amount of the organic substance naphthalene on the airbag warning label of Maxi-Cosi Pebble 360 Pro. Due to this, StiWa decided to downgrade the overall rating. 

We understand you may have questions. There’s no need to worry or undertake any action. Chemical experts from TNO*, a renowned and independent Dutch scientific research institute, confirmed that the amount found by StiWa does not pose a health risk to children or users. 

We like to add that it’s also still well within regulatory requirements set by OEKO-TEX 100 (baby clothing standard). On all the other criteria, like the safety crash test, the Maxi-Cosi Pebble 360 Pro received strong results from StiWa. You can continue to use the Maxi-Cosi Pebble 360 Pro safely. 

StiWa Safety Test Pebble 360 Pro

If you have any further questions, you may contact us directly via chat. 

By choosing Maxi-Cosi, you have chosen one of the safest car seats for your child. We wish you a safe onward journey.  


*SOURCE: Toxicological hazard assessment performed by TNO: 'Statement on the possible health effects of the presence of naphthalene in the airbag warning label on a baby car seat'. 

Download the full report here